Friday, 21 June 2013

Week 51 Beginning Monday 17th June 2013:
Well, it's been almost a year now and I am still over 30kgs lighter than I was this time last year, so although my weight isn't moving at the moment, I'm eating better than I ever have, I have more energy than I've had in years and I no longer walk with a cane.  Here's to eating good real food.

Friday Breakfast:
Another perfect feta and cheddar omelette with eschallots, covered in a bacon, red chilli, mushrooms and tomato, all cooked in a little tomato paste.

Friday Lunch:
Pork and farmhouse vegetable soup, with peas, corn, tomato, spinach, celery, beans, potato, pumpkin, carrot, and some finely ground dried chilli, herbs and spices.

Friday Dinner:
Mexican spiced beef mince with bacon, onion, tomato, red kidney beans and some broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.

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