Week 51 Beginning Monday 17th June 2013:
Well, it's been almost a year now and I am still over 30kgs lighter than I was this time last year, so although my weight isn't moving at the moment, I'm eating better than I ever have, I have more energy than I've had in years and I no longer walk with a cane. Here's to eating good real food.
Friday Breakfast:
Another perfect feta and cheddar omelette with eschallots, covered in a bacon, red chilli, mushrooms and tomato, all cooked in a little tomato paste.
Friday Lunch:
Pork and farmhouse vegetable soup, with peas, corn, tomato, spinach, celery, beans, potato, pumpkin, carrot, and some finely ground dried chilli, herbs and spices.
Mexican spiced beef mince with bacon, onion, tomato, red kidney beans and some broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
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